In a November press release, the web analytics firm StatCounter reported mobile and tablet internet usage exceeds desktop for the first time worldwide. With this shift in preference, NOW is the time to ensure your website is mobile compatible as part of your website redesign costs.
Traits of a Mobile Compatible Website
A mobile compatible website can be viewed on a variety of devices from smartphones and tablets to desktops and projectors. Compatible websites generally do not use flash and limit the number of high resolution photos displayed throughout its webpages. Both of these features, which are great for desktop use, slow download speed and responsiveness, which causes comparable levels of stress to your readers as horror movies do to its spectators.
Another key component of mobile compatibility is simple and clean web design. Larger sans serif fonts read clear and bigger buttons are easier to click on smaller screens. Smaller screens also make navigation challenging. Limiting the number of pages and clicks it takes for viewers to find the information they want will go along way. Additionally, placing the most important information at the top of the page will limit the amount of scrolling your viewers will have to do.
Testing Makes Perfect
Testing your website regularly will allow you to make sure your site is actually a compatible. The simplest way to do this is to pull out your smartphone or tablet and go on your website to see how it loads. As you look through your website, put yourself in your viewers shoes and ask yourself the following questions:
- How fast did the site download?
- How easily can I navigate?
- What does the content look like?
- Can I read the text?
- How much do I have to scroll?
The answers to these questions will give you an idea of what your viewers will be experiencing when they visit your website. If you are testing yourself, make sure you test in different coverage areas. What is the experience like in 3G coverage vs. a Wi-Fi connection? You want to make sure that no matter where they are, viewers are having a similar experience with your website.
Another easy way to test is to use an online tool such as Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. This tool is free and easy to use. Simply put in your web address and run the test. Google will analyze your website and let you know if your site is mobile-friendly or not.
Making your website mobile compatible can ensure your visitors have a positive experience with your website, no matter how they got there. Feel like you need more help making your website mobile compatible?
Contact Media Garcia, we would love to help you make sure your website is beautiful and functional on all devices.

April 4, 2017