Calls-to-action (CTA) are the secret sauce to driving people to your offers. Simply put, CTAs are marketing strategies for the web to provoke immediate responses to engage visitors. If your CTAs aren’t effective at capturing people’s attention and persuading them to the click, then it makes the offer useless. More importantly, CTAs pull in readers to turn into future leads.
CTAs can be used on product pages (non-landing pages) on your website, in display ads, email, social media, direct mail and pretty much anywhere you can promote your offer.
Not all CTAs are created equal
In a world where every brand is fighting for consumers attention, it’s critical that prospects choose your offer over your competitors. In this blog, we’ll uncover tips to creating CTAs that stand out to readers.
Ways to Make CTAs Pop on Your Page
A call-to-action is meant to stand out, so if your CTA blends in too much with your site design, no one will notice it. However, this doesn’t mean it has to be fluorescent, flashing lights and sirens. You want as many eyeballs to land on that call-to-action as possible, so use contrasting colors to make the CTA stand out. Consider your brand colors. Your first or secondary brand colors will attract visitors’ eyes due to their dominance. Humans recognize patterns instinctually, and creating a cohesive CTA color palette that matches your brand color will link the message that your CTA is related to an offer from your company.
Utilize design to make it clear it is a clickable call-to-action. (This is where you can get creative!) You want visitors to feel attracted to click on that CTA, which means designing the aesthetics to fit a clickable, interactive part of your website.
Additional tip: When deciding if your CTA will open into a new window or tab, or within the same page - choose within the same page. Oftentimes visitors will open the CTA in a new tab or window if they wish of their own volition - rather than you making the choice for them.
November 13, 2016